Source: “In Short Supply: American Families Struggle to Secure Everyday Essentials.” Report by Feeding America in partnership with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013.
Get Involved
Individuals, social groups, universities, and companies can organize toiletry drives for Project Toiletry. Contact Amarelis Rodriguez at arodriguez@lehighchurches.org for more information.
The items collected during your drive can be delivered or shipped to the Conference's office:
The Lehigh Conference of Churches
Attn: Amarelis Rodriguez
457 W. Allen St, Allentown, PA 18102
Amazon Wishlist
Amazon Wishlist is a meaningful way for you to shop and donate items directly to nonprofits in need. Simply find the organization you'd like to support, add items from their lists to your cart, and check out – it's that easy.
Walmart Wishlist
Shop our Walmart Wishlist today and make a difference! Giving back to the community has never been easier—simply click the link to view our registry, add items to your cart, and once purchased, they’ll be sent directly to the Conference. Thank you for your support!
Ways To Donate
Donate Via Check
We are pleased to accept donations via check made out to “The Lehigh Conference of Churches”. Please write Project Toiletry in the memo line.
Please mail to:
The Lehigh Conference of Churches
Attn: Chris Moran
457 W. Allen St, Allentown, PA 18102
Donate Via Debit/Credit