Christian Unity

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
In observance, the Conference holds an ecumenical service, typically in mid-January, with the participation of many of the communions that make up the Conference.
Robert K. Campbell Memorial Lectures on Christian Unity
Established by the Lehigh Conference of Churches in 1990 and held annually since 1993, the Campbell Lectures inform and educate member congregations, other faith communities, and the wider public on the enduring importance of Christian unity and its potential for addressing problems facing society today.
The series is held in memory of Bob Campbell, a former PPL executive and community leader who encouraged religious communities to work together to assist local people in need.
View previous Campbell Lectures on the Conference’s YouTube channel.

Ecumenical Service Award
Since 1981, the Conference has recognized individuals in the community who have made outstanding contributions to Christian unity. The award is presented at the Conference’s annual meeting.
CROP Hunger Walk
On the second Sunday of each October, individuals, churches and organizations participate in a CROP Hunger Walk to raise money to benefit local hunger relief efforts and to help communities in the United States and throughout the world when floods and other disasters strike, as well as with development and refugee resettlement efforts. The CROP Hunger Walk is the fundraising arm of Church World Service, an international development and disaster relief organization of the interdenominational National Council of Churches. As always, 25% of the funds raised locally remain in the community and are divided between the Conference Kitchen and the Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank.

Christmas Peace Pilgrimage
For over 60 years, during the Christmas season, people who believe in the importance of peace have been gathering in Nazareth to walk the 10 miles to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This pilgrimage, symbolic of the journey of Mary and Joseph, provides all of us with an opportunity to think about what Christmas really means. For more information, visit (photo: peace sign)